Welcome to
F for Female
The Millennial Female's Guide to a Balanced Lifestyle
F for Female is a information aggregator that provides everything the millenial female (YOU) needs to live her BEST, BALANCED life. All on one website. We give you information on your career, studies, relationships, fitness, fashion, beauty and all the fun events you shouldn't be missing out on.
Our work brings you the most relevant and up to date information as we interview professionals as well as research analysed acorss multiple sites.
The Team
F For Female was founded in 2017, with the goal of making life for females simple. Since then the team has grown by 5 members each dedicating their time to bring you the most relevant content.
Hey Gals! I'm Caryn and you can count on me for all your fashion & beauty needs. I never shy away from sharing the major keys when it comes to affordable fashion.
Hi, I'm Surekha. I write about all the things you need to FOCUS on - studies and work. How to plan and make sure you always bring your A game!
Hey guys, I'm Alli and I write about all your romantic and non-romantic relationships. We all pitch in for writing about food and fun, as we believe these are the MOST diverse topics :)
It's me Terri! Watch how I turn
finance into your favourite topic and
help you save , so you can spend on the things you deserve!
Ready, Set, Go! I'm your fitness partner
Maps, anything fitness and health related
I'm your girl! Whether it's tips on eating better or getting those abs you always wanted-
I'm here for you